Science Explorers
Science Explorers
How to Make Chalkboard Slime

How to Make Chalkboard Slime

Need some super fun and unique slime projects for your kids? Try making slime out of chalk with this crazy recipe! Here’s how to make chalkboard slime that will keep your kids occupied for hours.   Create a Piece of Chalk Slime You can start your adventure into...
Complete Guide to Making Slime

Complete Guide to Making Slime

Kids love slime, and you can help them make it while sneaking in a science lesson. You can even skip the pricey slime kits from the store. Making slime for kids does not have to be expensive when you use ingredients from around your home. You’ll connect with your...
How to Make Fuzzy Slime

How to Make Fuzzy Slime

The slime craze is popular among kids everywhere, and the grosser their slime is, the better. We’re turning slime on its head with these directions on how to make fuzzy slime. Your kids will love mixing up the slime color of their choice and adding real hair to create...
Elementary School Science Fair Project Guide

Elementary School Science Fair Project Guide

Science fair projects are activities that are both fun and educational for students. They can pick topics that pique their curiosity, test their hypotheses by creating their own experiments and learn how to  use the scientific method  — a practice used by professional...
Toys to Encourage a Child’s Love for Science

Toys to Encourage a Child’s Love for Science

When you are buying toys for your children for the holidays or for birthdays, you should consider educational toys that promote a better understanding of science. The world needs more scientists, so a parent can stimulate a child’s interest in a variety of sciences,...
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