Science Explorers
Science Explorers

Kids are destined to inherit the world one day, so it’s important to get them invested in protecting and preserving our planet. Teaching your students about renewable energy can help them develop curiosity and interest in the natural world they will carry into adulthood.

The Importance of Renewable Energy for Kids

Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. The extraction, refining and transportation processes for these fuels impact the environment by adding to air and water pollution and destroying natural landscapes. The resources themselves are limited, so it’s time to find other sources.

It’s vital for kids to learn how we generate energy and why we need to make changes. When they understand where we’re coming from, they’ll have a better idea of where we need to go.

Learning about renewable energy while young will also help kids gain an appreciation for the planet that they will carry with them through their lives and share with others. Kids can develop the eco-friendly habits and mindsets needed to help change the world someday. What’s more, some children with an early interest in renewable energy might follow that passion into their adult lives.

Teaching Your Students About Renewable Energy

Teaching Your Students About Renewable Energy

When you’re breaking down renewable energy for kids, sustainability is a great place to start. A sustainable resource gives us what we need now, with the ability to produce more in the future. Use an example kids can imagine, like a garden. Many plants produce fruit with seeds, which can either be eaten or replanted to sustain the garden by growing more fruit from the seeds, continuing the cycle.

Once your students understand sustainability, you can show how it relates to energy. A relatable example could be how electricity comes from energy, so we need reliable and sustainable energy to turn on the lights, charge our tablets and phones and so much more. 

Show your students what energy sources we’ve used and describe why they aren’t sustainable options. Once you’ve discussed fuels like crude oil, natural gas and coal, you can introduce different types of renewable energy:

  • Solar: Illustrate how solar panels can turn the sun’s rays into electricity by capturing heat and light.
  • Hydro: Teach students how we can harness constantly moving water for energy.
  • Wind: Show pictures of wind turbines to demonstrate how the wind turns the blades, creating energy.
  • Geothermal: Describe how hot the earth’s core is and how pipes that go deep into the ground allow steam to rise into power plants, creating electricity.
  • Biomass: Explain how some industries like agriculture can create energy by burning fuel like manure, crops and waste.

Renewable Energy Learning Activities

As you teach students about renewable energy, keep your lessons and activities age-appropriate, starting small and building into topics. Use games to get students involved, or try a hands-on project: 

  • Make a solar oven out of a pizza box.
  • Build a water wheel out of popsicle sticks.
  • Craft pinwheels out of paper and straws.
  • Fly kites.

If possible, you can tour a nearby renewable energy plant. Consider challenging students to practice sustainability at home, like turning off taps while they brush their teeth and switching out old light bulbs for more energy-efficient ones. 

Learn About Renewable Energy With Science Explorers

It’s time to teach kids about renewable energy and get them excited about science. One of the best ways to encourage kids to be involved is through STEM summer camps and after-school STEM clubs. Science Explorers offers both, striving to help kids develop a love for the world around them. Learn more about our summer camps and clubs by contacting us online today!

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