Science Explorers
Science Explorers
Virtual Summer Programs

Virtual Summer Programs

This summer, Science Explorers had been trying to answer a question we never thought we would have to answer. How can we safely host summer programs in the midst of a pandemic? There was a lot to consider. In the end, we decided that ultimately for the safety of our...
Watch Your Seeds Grow: Experiment for Kids

Watch Your Seeds Grow: Experiment for Kids

During the spring and summer, the outside world seems to come alive. Everything is growing, and it’s fascinating to watch plants poke their first green buds out of the ground on their way to becoming full grown. If you have a budding botany enthusiast in your home,...
How to Make Moon Sand

How to Make Moon Sand

Your little astronaut may be a few years away from blasting into space and visiting the moon. But in the meantime, why not make some moon sand for them to play with at home? Your child will enjoy hours of fun playing with their creation. Moon sand for kids works great...
A Fun Guide to Teaching Kids About Marine Biology

A Fun Guide to Teaching Kids About Marine Biology

With the current state of the COVID-19 crisis it’s more important than ever to educate our children in fun, engaging ways. Whether your kid was practically born on the beach or has never set foot on cool, white sand, marine biology is an exciting experience for...
Building A Solar System Project

Building A Solar System Project

If your children come home from school each day brandishing pretend light sabers or planning their next trip to a galaxy far, far away, congratulations. In addition to having kids with great imaginations, you may have future astronauts in the house. You can encourage...
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