Science Explorers
Science Explorers

Science Camps for Kids in Mountour County, PA

Technology has become a daily part of our lives. Kids learn from PowerPoints at school, even the youngest children complete homework assignments on computers and your child probably knows more about your smartphone than you do. Kids have a natural affinity for learning about complex concepts such as tech because of their curiosity. You can encourage that curiosity by signing them up for STEM after-school science clubs or summer camps.

Science Explorers offers both. Our camps for kids ages 4-11 and clubs for elementary school children foster a love of science by making learning fun. We do loud, messy experiments that will have your child laughing. We underscore our activities by building knowledge off the experience, helping children absorb the lesson even while they giggle about it with friends.

We love seeing kids make new friends and thrive in a new environment. Discover why our summer science camps and after-school science clubs in Montour County, PA, will be a great fit for your child.

Why STEM Learning Is a Critical Part of Education

Science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) is so much more than an educational buzzword. Children who learn STEM concepts develop tools they draw on for absorbing academic information. They become more interested in learning why and how things work through STEM, which creates the engaged, interested workers of tomorrow.

Even if your child doesn’t enter a STEM-related career field, they will benefit from the many helpful things they learn from STEM classes and camps, such as:

  • Seeing cause-and-effect play out
  • Learning teamwork
  • Solving problems

The best reason to have your child study STEM is that it’s fun. STEM provides the opportunity for kids to flex their creativity. They can ask questions and define solid, useful answers. Children love the social aspect of STEM as well.

Summer Science Camps for Children Ages 4-11

Our week-long science camps for children explore different topics in-depth. We employ hands-on lessons where your child participates in predicting the outcome of an experiment. Then they get to see what happens. They build confidence through their successful completion of the activity and enjoy collaborating with other children to achieve the desired outcome.

Parents appreciate having a place where their kids like to go for childcare. Your child will anticipate each day eagerly and wish to return to camp every morning to have time with their new friends. The time outside exercising their minds and bodies also appeals to parents who want their children to stay active in the summer.

After-School Science Clubs in Danville, PA, and Surrounding Areas

Our after-school clubs meet at elementary schools once a week for one hour after the school day. We offer three- to five-week sessions, each one focused on a different topic. We make a new creation every week that your child can take home, along with a Parent Page that details other activities you can do together at home to reinforce that week’s lesson.

Every part of our curriculum is fun. We believe children learn best when they enjoy what they’re doing. Our topics vary and may include:

  • Coding
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Anatomy

Getting involved in after-school activities can improve your child’s academic success and open new worlds. They also receive bonus opportunities to socialize with new children and make friends.

Register Your Child for Our Camps and Clubs Today

Giving your child fun places to go after school and during the summer provides more than just good childcare. These opportunities also foster a lifelong love of science that will help your child thrive. Register them for one of our clubs or summer science camps in Danville, PA, today.

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