Science Explorers
Science Explorers

Our Team

Our team is passionate about inspiring a love of learning. Meet the people who make Science Explorers happen.

Jupiter Jen

Owner and Founder

Jennifer Moorehead founded Science Explorers out of her garage in 1999. Since then, she has sparked a Science Revolution, helping countless students develop a love of learning and a passion for STEM. The Science Explorers team fondly refers to her as our “fearless leader.”

(610) 816-5047

Turbo Tracy

Chief Operations Officer

Turbo Tracy is our amazing COO and has worked in every possible facet with Science Explorers. She is in charge of all of our curriculum development and handles our experiment research and development.

(610) 816-5047

Electric Evan

Vice President of Research & Development

Electric Evan is our presenter extraordinaire and has quickly become a celebrity in classrooms and camps all over! Evan is also a creative thinker who helps come up with amazing presentations. When he’s not on a stage you can find him on something motorized with 2 wheels.

Atomic Andy

Special Programs Manager
Atomic Andy is our special programs manager and works closely with new and existing partners to organize our special programs. As a former teacher he loves science and helping kids learn and grow. When he’s not at work he loves spending time watching sports and hanging out with friends and family.

(484) 378-9334

Diagram Dorothea

Director of HR & Recruitment
Diagram Dorothea handles the training and support of large and amazing team of Instructors. Dorothea is a pro in the classroom and absolutely shines when she is getting a classroom of students excited about learning.

(610) 513-0647

Molecular Meg

Office Support Specialist
Molecular Meg is the office support specialist and likely the friendly voice you hear when you call! When she’s not working, she can be found on local community theater stages, hiking local trails, and snuggled on her couch crocheting.

(610) 816-5047

Interstellar Ivy

Instruction & Curriculum Development
Interstellar Ivy works with new and existing partners to organize clubs, field trips, assemblies, and more. She loves science and has a passion for STEM in education.

(484) 85-8471

Kosmotropic Kim

Educational Coordinator
Kim is an account manager who oversees all of Science Explorer’s afterschool club sites and summer camp sites. 

(484) 378-9334

Hailey’s Comet

Non-Profit Program Coordinator
Hailey specializes in scheduling, warehouse activity, and logistics for non-profit programming.

(610) 816-5047

Jurassic Jesse

Warehouse Manager
Jurassic Jesse is our Warehouse Manager who gets to hunt down all of our cool experiment materials and makes it all come together! Before Jesse ran our warehouse he ran all over the world and has even lived abroad.

(610) 816-5047

Deimos Dan

Shipping Manager
Dan specializes in individually packed S.T.E.M. lessons making sure students have everything they need to enjoy our hands-on S.T.E.M. programming.

(610) 816-5047

Dragon’s Blood Destanee

S.P.A.R.K.S. Packing Specialist
Destanee specializes in packing for The S.P.A.R.K.S.  Foundation, which works closely with the foundation to provide award-winning hands-on S.T.E.M. programming for ALL students. Destanee packs lessons in bulk for classrooms of students ensuring instructors have everything they need!

(610) 816-5047

Wattage Wyatt

Science Explorers Packing Specialist
Wyatt specializes in individually packed S.T.E.M. lessons making sure students have everything they need to enjoy our hands-on S.T.E.M. programming.

(610) 816-5047

Megafauna Masen

Special Programs Coordinator

Jellyfish Jim

Recruitment Coordinator

Zinc Zach

Special Programs Coordinator

Our Philosophy: If it’s not fun, we’re not doing it!

Whether it’s an after-school club or summer STEM camp, Science Explorers can make science cool and exciting through our interactive, hands-on format.

Our Philosophy: If it’s not fun, we’re not doing it!

Whether it’s an after-school club or summer STEM camp, Science Explorers can make science cool and exciting through our interactive, hands-on format.

Science Explorers
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